Chinese charracter spacing

First, overall good job on the update.

Second, there appears to be a big difference in the number of new words and spacing between the characters for some lessons. For instance, under the old system I would have 86 new words and 75 review lingqs for a lessons, but if I switch to the new view it changes to 29 new words and 27 review lingqs. In the new version sometimes the characters are also touching/slightly overlapping and cannot be highlighted to form a lingq.

This is not for all lessons but for some(possibly limited to personal imports)

Hi Stephen,
Can you please provide us link to a lesson in which you noticed this issues? Thanks!

Here is one: Login - LingQ
Also, in the classic view, I can non longer connect to the dictionaries

Sorry about that, there is an issue with some dictionaries in classic view and we hope to have it fixed soon.
Everything seems to be fine for me on this Chinese lesson. If you agree, we can log into your account and check this lesson from it. In that case we will need you to email us on support(at) with your login informations. Thanks!