Check mark at the end of a lesson

Because there is so much complaining here in the forum at the moment:
I just clicked the check mark at the end of a new lesson to complete the lesson. And I was asked if I really wanted to do that, because otherwise the words marked in blue would be considered known (at least on the German user interface)…
Guys, that’s exactly what so many of you wanted. So give credit to this innovation!


Clicking the check mark changes all the blue (brand new) words in the lesson to “known”. But it doesn’t change the yellow worlds to known. Nice.

So it gives you a choice. If you really want to go through a lesson without looking up the words, fine. If you don’t care about the color feature, click the check. Or you can click X on the last page, to exit the course without changing colors.

If you want to reset all words to blue in all courses, just remove Turkish from your list of languages. Then add it back into that list. All words are blue.

Is that sarcasm?


They did what you all wanted, even though it wasn’t originally planned. Doesn’t that deserve a little “thank you”?


What “we all” wanted was to correct a design flaw. It is an established standard to ask for confirmation when an action has irreversible consequences.
What “we all” suggested in addition to that was to accompany this with a “Don’t ask me again” checkbox, another established standard, for those who don’t want this “feature” and may consider the extra click at the end of the lesson an annoyance.
So after all they deigned to make half a step towards a proper product, not speaking of all the other flaws they mostly ignore.

So no. I consider this neither innovative nor thankworthy.

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