Changing my daily linking goal

I just got the upgrade and its says i need 50 links to reach my daily quota. I was set to 13 prior and I can’t find anywhere to change it. Please help!!!


Did you saw my reply to you on the other thread?
Your Daily Goal isn’t actually 50 LingQs, it’s 50 Coins. The new streak system is based on coins. It’s not that hard to earn 50 coins, give it a try.

On the app it still adds up the links. On the green/blue apple I have 15/50 and it reads daily lingqs goal under it. Have I missed an upgrade on my android?

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What app version you have installed on your device at the moment?

It’s the same for me, although I have the newest version for IOS installed, it counts lingqs and not coins, and 50 lingqs a day (it was 13 before) isn’t sustainable for me unfortunately…

Same here, the Web version works fine, but my Android app shows the goal as 50 LingQ, not coins. In the settings it’s still Casual. The app version is LingQ v 4.9.22 (285). There’s no update in the Google Play Store (and I’d rather not update from a 3rd party site). My Android version is 11.

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The lowest goal in Croatian isn’t 50 coins but 100 :man_shrugging:

For all of the other languages I learn it’s just 50.

This happens to me to - daily lingq goal has changed from 25 to 13 and doesn’t match what is in my settings :frowning:

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I have the same problem with daily streak. Now I need to do 50 LingQ’s instead of 13 which worked quite well. Even 13 daily LingQ’s was still a stretch for me. But 50 way too much. Please implement the old Daily LingQ System.


@Sean108 That’s now taken care of and the goal has been set to 50 for all languages.

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You will get an update soon too, Google is gradually releasing it to all users. Even if your goals shows 50 LingQs, it’s actually coins. You just need to earn 50 coins to reach your goal.

I also freaked out when I saw the new 50 coins quota, but it was actually easy to reach. You get points for reading and upgrading words from unknown to known. I now think this new system is great because I reached my goal solely by re-reading an old lesson. Now I don’t have to create new links for the sake of creating new links, I can re-read, re-listen and move words from unknown to known and receive coins. Give it a chance people, you may be pleasantly surprised.

edit… I listened to an old lesson, 7 minute video. Listened the first time, the second time listened and read, I only created 1 new lingQ (phrase) and moved a few #1 or #2 words to #3 and earned 173 points, where before my goal was 13 new lingq’s.


I think op (and my) issue is that we can’t adjust our own goals, in coins or in lingqs. Is that part of an update that’s coming?

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