Challenging Chinese listening material

I’m looking for particularly fast, mumbly, and generally challenging mandarin audio on LingQ (would prefer Beijing/standard tones though). I’ve just finished the John Defrancis series of Chinese readers and would tentatively put my level at upper-intermediat-ish. Has anyone encountered interesting content on Lingq with particularly natural /challenging dialogue? I understand I can speed up the audio on the app but I find that pretty grating. Any input much appreciated, thanks! : )


Nice work - how long did the Readers take you to finish? Did you do the Advanced one as well?

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Did you use the audio?

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Yeah I did, it’s pretty good. I had to go through and edit into different chapters though because on itunes it was just in massive random chunks.

Yeah I did beginners to advanced and just went through and did the supplementary simplified lessons. It took just over 2 years in total , are you working on them too? It was a slog and I’m gonna have to review the advanced book a lot, it was really worthwhile though. The content was dated sometimes but overall I liked the articles touching on politics, history etc rather than “everyday life” stuff you find in a lot of modern readers.

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I did the two Beginning readers + the first Intermediate reader twice because I got burned out both times :frowning:

Very occasionally I hear of someone who has completed the entire series and it gives me a renewed sense of motivation to go back to them. If I can bring myself to go through them a third time.

Doing Korean right now, but I could be tempted sometime in the future. Again, congratulations on completing them - I know how much work that was.

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Thanks man! Yeah, about halfway through I started writing most of the english translations next to the new vocab in each chapter, to make re-reading it easier. The sheer weight of new vocab was pretty demanding. Now Im going back to anki decks because I’ve still only learnt 1200ish characters and most authentic content is still very hard to grapple with. If you do go back to Defrancis I’m happy to link you the edited audio files. Good luck with Korean mate!

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