Challenge of march, join me

I want to improve my English as soon as possible. If you want too, I propose to participate challenge of march. I will write “writing exchange” every day.
I always take time until I formulate theme about I want write. I add list of themes for first ten days. You can might follow it or not. I will add a lot of themes in the future.

  1. Childhood. Funniest event.
  2. The best classmate. How he/she was special.
  3. First fall in love. Do you remember this feelings?
  4. Place to live. Did you move a lot?
  5. My holiday. Best holiday. Dream holiday.
  6. Instagram or another social media. People who inspires.
  7. Seasons. Differences in routine.
  8. Books. What I like read.
  9. My hobby. What will I would try.
  10. Music. What do you like listen?

If you know good theme to write, you can share in the comment.
If you want join in this challenge, you write to comment too.

You have one day for decision.