
As soon as I get at least 20-25 more stories, we will add it to Beta.

good news! I’m soooooo happy to see it is going fin!

Hola, que tal?
Espero que todo vaya bien con las lecciones de catalán.
Tengo Illusion de mejorar mi catalan.

Is there a problem?

Que tal con el catalan? Hay nuevas lecciones?
Hasta pronto! j:-)

Hola que tal? cuando podemos aprender Catalan con Lingq? Falta mucho?
Hasta pronto! j;-)

please send me the missing texts.
I will try to find someone who can translate the texts. From Spanish to Catalan.

Hello! I’d also like to know of any updates regarding this as I would definitely use Catalan on a lingq as I am about to start studying a module on Catalan at University,
In this thread I’ve seen that someone has kindly offered to produce the content needed to get Catalan into the beta stage of Lingq but beyond that the thread seems to have gone quiet. Has anyone got any updates of any sort on this?

@jolanda I replied on your email, please take a look. :slight_smile: Thanks!

I will speak with my friends! We beginn with 31-40.

Maybe opel65 make 21-30? I don’t know.He didn’t answer my post.

It’s been a while and Catalan is not yet a beta language :frowning:

Opel65, do you need any help? I could help translating, recording or editing any of the missing stories.

Laura Nicolàs

zoran :”It’s now up on our developers to work on it when they get a chance among other things. Should be within next couple of weeks. Thanks for your efforts and help, Jolanda!”

Hola Laura, si vols enviar més lliçons amb audios, sobre tot diàlegs, sempre estaria bé per completar les ja enviades.
Moltes gràcies.



Com que el número de lliçons mínim per ser beta ja es compleix, esperaré a que els desenvolupadors l’habilitin i després hi entraré a compartir lliçons, com ja he fet en altres idiomes!

Miraré també si en puc grabar algunes de collita pròpia.

Laura Nicolàs

Gràcies, Laura. Voldria demanar—te enllaços de lliçons que hagis publicat a LingQ d‘altres idiomes.
Una salutació.
