
That’s great to read! I learnt Catalan before and I’d love to learn it again.

@opel65 thanks so much! This will help so many people learn catalan

No problem. Next task is to buttonhole my Bulgarian-speaking friends into sitting down to record short unscripted chats, and get them transcribed, in the spirit of the Podcasts met Fasulye series which were very useful for me learning Dutch.

Any update?

There are 60 mini stories I believe so it is probably going to take a while to get them all transcribed and recorded

Hola a tothom,
I’m working on it. I’ve already finished transcribing the first 20 mini stories, and I have planned to start the recordings next week.
As soon as I have at least 40 mini stories translated and recorded they will start preparing the language for the Beta.
Be patient and thank you for your interest.

I’m not even planning on learning Catalan soon but I’m so thankful that you’re doing the mini stories for LingQ. How wonderful it’d be if natives of other languages would do that too :slight_smile:

thanks again!!

Hey, any update?!

I am looking very much to mini stories in Catalan. Thank you so much for your work Opel65.

Hola a tothom!

I’ve been busy lately so I haven’t had much time to work on the Mini Stories.
I’ve already finished transcribing the first 40 ones, but I want to review them before I start the recordings.

Your comments encourage me a lot. Thank you everybody.

I just bought a new mic to improve the quality of the audio.
This week I’m going to start the recordings so maybe in a couple of weeks the first 40 Mini Stories are ready to be sent to the LingQ team.

I’ll keep you informed!

Gràcies a tots per interessar-vos en aprendre català.
'Thank you everyone for your interest in learning Catalan,

Thanks for the update!

Looking forward to it. Thanks for your dedication and for updating :slight_smile:

Hey, how’s it going?

Sorry. It’s going to take me more time than I expected. I’ve been very busy this week.
Hopefully I’ll find some time for this project.
Be patient!
I’ll keep you all informed.
Thanks again.

Any update?

Hola a tothom,

I just want to let you know that I’ve already finished the 20 first Mini Stories and sent them to Zoran.
This work is more time consumer than I thought at the beginning, but my goal is to finish the first 40 Mini Stories by the end of this month.
Thanks for all your support.


Thank you! We really appreciate you doing this.

Thank you so much!!

Zoran when do you think they’ll be up?

You might have more luck asking on this thread