Can't Open Lessons on a Chromebook

The title line says it all. No lessons will open on my Chromebook, although I have no problem opening the same lessons on a Windows 7 laptop. Based on previous posts there were others experiencing this problem a few months ago. What’s the solution?

It will not open using google chrome. In internet explorer it works. I hope they look into this. I am using windows 10

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Interesting! I was not having a problem with Google Chrome on my Windows 7 laptop…but I was accessing in an incognito window. I just tried using an incognito window on my Chromebook, which worked. Apparently, if you want to use Chrome, for the moment you need to open the site in an incognito window.

It works on chrome on my windows 10 laptop as well.

Lingq has been a little buggy lately.

Recently the audio wouldn’t play on my lessons and I would have to download the audio. Oddly, if I downloaded the audio file on to my computer then it would run on the website when I hit play.


I’m on Chrome and getting and getting a “Lesson cannot be opened. We have been notified…” message.

So, what’s that “incognito window” you were talking about? An early reply would be much appreciated !

Thanks in advance.

Edthird. Forget that. I’ve just Googled Incognito Window and Chrome now works.
Amazing how you only learn something when things go wrong.

I also can’t open my lessons!!! It will not open using google chrome. I’m using Windows 10.
What’s going on. Could you help me, please?

I also can’t open my lessons!!! It will not open using google chrome. I’m using Windows 10.
What’s going on. Could you help me, please?

Firefox is impacted too. It’s the site not your browser.

Hi everyone,
Sorry about that! It is a caching issue so please just clear your browsers cache and try again. You should be able to open any lesson normally after that.

Hi Beata,
Please clear your browser’s cache and try again. Thanks!

I just cleared “Cashed images and files” and “Cookies and other site and plugin data”, but to no avail. The problem persists. Do I have to clear every component of “History” since “the beginning of time”? I prefer not to do so. I think I’ll stick to using an incognito window. Would you please notify us when normal functionality is restored?

I’m using Firefox on Ubuntu Mate and I can confirm all that’s been said, mainly:

  1. Until a couple of days ago, lessons opened normally
  2. I started getting an error message two days ago. Lessons would not open after it
  3. Clearing the cache does not solve the issue
  4. Lessons open normally in “Incognito”/“private” browsing windows

Thank you very much. I do it and it works again!!!

Using Firefox 50.1.0 on Win10
Log out of LingQ, clear cache, restart browser
Problem still exists.

Hi ftornay,
Can you please try another browser and let me know if it works? Is the issue related to Firefox only on your device? Clearing cache should have solved the issue but if it still doesn’t work for you please contact us on support(at) and we’ll provide additional help. Thanks!

Hi Mushin,
Can you please try another browser and let me know if it works? Is the issue related to Firefox only on your device? Clearing cache should have solved the issue but if it still doesn’t work for you please contact us on support(at) and we’ll provide additional help. Thanks!

Hi edthird,
Is the issue related to Chromebook only on your device? Can you please try another browser and let me know if it works? Clearing cache should have solved the issue but if it still doesn’t work for you please contact us on support(at) and we’ll provide additional help. Thanks!

It’s a Chromebook. There is no other browser. Clearing cache did not solve the problem.