Cant import from youtube

No, I’m afraid it doesn’t. It only imported the subtitle on Safari and failed to import anything on Chrome. Last night, it worked on Safari once. But again, it’s been on and off like this for weeks.

The link for the vid is: リストビルディングとは?集客の目的とネットビジネスでの重要性 - YouTube

But I don’t think it’s because of the vids. I tried many of them and they all didn’t work.

Thank your for looking into this. Let’s hope this wonderful extension can work again soon :slight_smile:

Thanks, appreciate that and appreciate your patience! The issue turned out to be a bit more complicated than expected, but we are doing our best to have it fixed asap.

At least the import function for text-based articles is still working. But the best feature is being able to import videos in youtube. Hopefully we can use that feature soon. Best of luck.

I was able to import from youtube but now unable to do so (12/13). Hope it will be fixed soon.

Kapitel 1 - Das Mittelalter 1 - YouTube import function also failed for me today using chrome extension and this video

Also cant import from youtube. Tried using a different browser but no luck with chrome duck duck go or firefox

I’m still not able to export from youtube. Have tried different browers, clearing cache, reloading the app. Any ideas on what is wrong?

I can’t import from Youtube today either, with PC (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) or Android.
url: 【青島日美】中国語講座 中級 第159課 表示无奈、没有办法 - YouTube

Hi everyone, I just want to post an update here.
Unfortunately the issue with YouTube importing at the moment is on YouTube’s end. It’s basically related to auto-generated captions. Looks like YT changed the way how it’s distributed.

Here’s the link where you can get more details:

That means that, at the moment, you can only import videos with manually uploaded subtitles, while auto-generated subtitles won’t work.

As soon as YouTube fix this, hopefully in next update, it will start working in LingQ Imported too.

You should be able to import from YouTube normally now, including auto-generated subtitles.

Yes, looks to be working fine now (Chrome browser) … thanks Zoran for update.
Best regards, Frank

For me it is not working. Using google chrome. I’ve tried re downloading the importer app, tried firefox and tried using another computer. Tring to download tv show i’ve always been able to import in the past. Was able to import an article from successfully but absolutely no luck with youtube. Thoughts/advice?

Thank you. Works for me again.

I’ve tried two devices and two browsers (Chrome and Safari), and it works for now. Thank you so much, Zoran!

Nope still no luck for me. I click import and it just circles and circles and then I get a big blue box that just says error. Help!

Have you tried closing all browsers, rebooting the computer or cleaning up all the cached files? That might work.

Bingo! Back in business. Thanks so much!

Hi, Zoran

I’ve tried importing a dozen of YT vids and found out that the updated version of the extension seems to be quite selective when it comes to importing vids into Lingq, there are main three scenarios:

  1. only subtitles are imported
  2. Error: Importing failed - No captions found
  3. successful

And I provide the links of the above scenarios below:

世界が振り返る!?日本人が知らない男の香水基本【メンズ美容】 - YouTube (only subtitles are imported)

翻訳の勉強をすれば、英語が上手に話せるようになるの?Translation and fluency are different skill sets - YouTube (Error: Importing failed - No captions found)

日頃の想いをラブレターに書く - YouTube (successful)

I’ve tried doing it using Chrome and Safari, and the results are quite consistent.
I wonder is it just me or other users are experiencing the same thing? Could you look into this?
Thank you so much :slight_smile:

I’ve experienced all three that you mention. There doesnt seem to be any logic or pattern to it.

@yeah_ok67 I tested two videos you have problem with.
Video #1 was imported successfully with both subtitles and audio. In some cases for longer videos it can take some time to import audio, but if you check a lesson after a few minutes, you will see that audio got imported too.
Video #2, I have the same issue, will ask our development team to look into it and check what’s problem with it.

Thanks for your report!