Can't find the selected lesson

Hi !
I have two questions :

First : I click “browse full library”, then I find a lesson I am interested in. I click on this lesson. The screen changes and then suggests me all the lessons of the collection and it is impossible to find THE lesson I choose first. Is it normal?

Second : What is the role of the Star near each lesson of coolection?



Hi Cecile,

You should be able to find the lesson you chose first in the list. There are now page numbers for the longer collections across the top so you may have to page through the collection view to find it. The star is for you to identify lessons you want to find again later. These starred lessons then appear in a Starred Lessons shelf on the Library home page.

Hi Mark,

It is very inconvenient and a waste of time. For exemple, I read in the forum a comment from tokyo surfer about the article THE POWER OF NAPPING, there is a link to this article and I wish to read this article, so I click on the link and the whole collection of “interesting thinks” appears. There is many many pages, I can’t find this articles ! So I tape in the section “research” The power of napping", I can see the article title,YES !! I click on it and again the whole collection appears.


Hi Cecile,

We will do something about this. Either allowing you to take the lesson right from the results list or taking you to the page in the collection where that lesson is. In the previous version, you were taken to the collection view but the full list was all on one page. Now that the list pages it is hard to find.