Can't Downgrade


I want down/upgrade my account to a free account.

But when I push the Button, it always comes the message “internal error”.

I tried it with IE and FireFox. In both browser I have the same troubles

kind regards

@Meggstar - You should have received an email confirming your downgrade. In this email it also will explain that your account will be downgraded at the end of your billing cycle. I checked and confirmed that your subscription has been canceled, so you won’t be charged again. Let us know if you have any additional questions!

can’t get on My lessons page for days

@junair - This doesn’t seem to be a related issue. What happens when you try to go to the My Lessons page?

LingQ is temporarily down as we make improvements!
Sorry for the inconvenience. LingQ will be back shortly.

tried on different computers

@junair - Try refreshing the page a few times to see if that helps. It sounds like it has cached the “Down for maintenance” page so if refreshing doesn’t work then try clearing your browser’s cache.