Can't Downgrade to Free

I use Lingq intermittently. I currently have a month-to-month plan. In the “change plan” page I do not have the option to downgrade to free. In the “account” page it says “Premium (changing to Free on December 03, 2020)” but it said that last month and that didn’t happen. I used to have the ability to switch to free then switch back to paid but now I don’t.

Can you please take a screenshot of what you see under the “Change Plan” page and send it over to There should be an option to downgrade your account to Free.

Hello Zoran, I have the same problem. I would like to change to the free plan but there is no option for it (neither in Chrome nor Microsoft Edge). Could you please downgrade me?

@LingQKev You are currently on the Vacation plan, saving your data at LingQ for $2/month. Do you want to cancel it and downgrade to FREE completely?

@zoran Yes, please. I would like to downgrade to FREE :slight_smile:

@LingQKev No problem, done. You won’t be charged again.

@zoran thank you!

I hope 5.0 makes all these machinations easier for members.

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Hello Zoran, I would also like to downgrade to free. It seems rediculous to have to manually delete all the lessons. Could you help me?

@markushector Your account has dropped to FREE level now.

I’m having the same issue. I tried to find the imported lessons to delete but I cant see that i’ve manually imported anything. could you downgrade my account to free please?

Could you do the same with mine please?

@marikishtar Sure, done, your account will drop to Free level after your current paid month expire.

@goldenarm Sure, I took care of it.

I have the same problem, it’s not clear how to downgrade to a free account. Can you please do it for me? Today is the billing day and I can’t find how to stop it. Thanks!

@eldiegoefe Sorry, you got charged earlier today before I got to this thread. I refunded your payment and expired your subscription.

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