Can't add any beta languages

Hello! I’m a brand new user. I just signed up for premium. When I go to the dropdown menu and try to add a beta language (Persian) a menu pops up saying “this language may have minimal content or appear buggy”. When I click ok, nothing happens. The language does not add. This happens with any/all of the beta languages. Why? Help!

I logged out and created a new account and selected the beta language as my language from the beginning and it works fine, so I can see there is definitely content for Persian. But, obviously, I would like to use the account I’m paying for. Can anyone help? Is this a bug? I’m using the web-based platform.

Sorry to hear that. We will investigate the issue.
In the meantime, try to open Persian language with this direct URL:

Thank you!

This also happened to me, although it doesn’t bother me.

I am also having this problem. Any update?

Some time ago, I was unable to add beta languages in the android app, but could go on the webpage and do it there.

The issue with the beta languages is now fixed. Thanks again everyone for reporting the problem.