Cannot purchase Lifetime Swedish

My 1 year subscription for Swedish has ended and I’m trying to buy the Lifetime subscription for Swedish but when I arrive on the payment page, it doesn’t work. I have tried to pay with Revolut to avoid currencies’ conversion fees, then I tried with my main bank account and then with Paypal and none of them worked. I got these 2 error messages :

EDIT : It seems that the payment went through with PayPal, despite the error message… However, it seems that the Lifetime subscription didn’t cancel the Premium subscription and I don’t see any option to do that anymore.
The stuff written in “Niveau Actuel” doesn’t make any sense, it says "12 month Lifetime Premium Swedish (change from monthlyPremium to August 26, 2022.

Swedish Lifetime is now active on your account and Premium subscription cancelled. Everything is fine.

Thanks :slight_smile: