Cannot edit lesson

Hi there. My first post. I just created my first lesson and I did it rather badly. I now need to change the title and the link to the appropriate YouTube video. However, no matter how many times I change the title and link – and after having saved these changes – they fail to materialize. Every time, the old and incorrect YouTube video is still there and the title on the course shelf is still wrong. I’m using the Chrome browser and running Windows 11. Any advice would be appreciated.

EDIT: It’s slightly weirder than I thought. When I look at the icon or panel for my new lesson on its shelf, then it shows the correct edited title. However, if I hover my cursor over the panel, then it switches to the old incorrect title. And, as I said, when open the lesson and play the video, then it plays the wrong one despite the correct new URL being displayed on my lesson page. Very strange.

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This happens all the time. It is annoying, to say the least. I don’t know if a fix is in the works or not.


Oh dear, that’s disappointing. But thank you for the quick response!

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I just noticed something…I was commenting on the fact that the name doesn’t change as it should. I dont know about the wrong video issue. I am not saying that that is a common problem…


Hi @msfeather12 !
The point is that when you hover over the lesson title in the Library you see the translation of the lesson title to your current Interface Language (which can be changed in Settings → General).
If you want to change the translation of the title - you can do it through the Lesson Editor. Click on the “+ Add title paragraph” if the paragraph details are not editable yet (see the screenshot below) and edit them.


@Denys_B Thank you very much!