Can we meet up in Portugal, Spain or London?

LingQ meet-ups. Portugal, Spain, London.

I will be traveling with my wife (40th anniverary) from Sept 26 to Nov 2. It would be great to meet up with LingQers. Here is the schedule. I will be in email contact. Let me know if we can meet up.

Lisbon: Sept 28- Oct 2

Porto: Oct 2-5

Braga: Oct 5-9

Vigo: Oct 9-12

Viseu: Oct 13-15

Santarem: Oct 15-16 (Festival de gastronomia)

Badajoz: Oct 17-18

Sevilla: Oct 19-22

Algarve: Oct 22-27

London: Oct 27-Nov 2 (The Language Show)

Maybe we could meet up in London! What is the language show and do you have to pay to get in?

"The Language Show is free to attend provided that you register in advance for a ticket by following the registration links above. Children under 16 are very welcome to attend the show and do not need to register for a ticket. All tickets are valid for any day of the show. "

More info at:

Thanks Jeff.

I have registered. I have no idea what the show is about. I am going to be in London, so of course I cannot stay away from something called “The Language Show”.

I have also registered and have an e-ticket.

I might be at the Language show too!

Which day did you have in mind for this impromptu LingQ meeting? Will you man a stand? If I am in the UK, I’d be happy to help out. Years and years ago I went a couple of times to the then annual event. Exhibitors at the time were mainly multinationals looking to recruit linguists, publishers, language schools, translation services and training providers. What I liked were the workshops on offer. NLP and Suggestopaedia were relatively new then and there were weird and wonderful things going on.

It would really need to be the Saturday or the Sunday for me, and during the day rather than the evening.

It can be an exciting journey to London from the Midlands if the trains are playing up :wink:

I am in London to spend some time with my son and his family. I will only spend part of one day at the language fair. I know very little about it. There is no booth. It is just that I cannot resist going to a place like that. It would be great to meet up and spend some time at the fair. When is the best day for everyone…I am open. Please let me know. It would be great to see you , as many as can make it.

By the looks of it I shall be back in the UK on 30 October. If you decide to meet up at the weekend, I’d be so happy to trundle to London on either Saturday or Sunday. @Helen: if we arrange to meet, I shall bring the first load of German books for you. I’m off to book my ticket now.

I am free to visit the language show on whatever day works the best. I hope to meet as many of you as possible. In any case I look forward to seeing Sanne and Helen. When we get closer to it we should pick a spot and time.

Can we fix the rendez-vous for Saturday the 31st, at 10 a.m… Is some other time more convenient? Please advise so I can mention it on my blog and on Facebook to try to get a good turn out. Thanks.

Saturday, 31, 10 o’clock wouldn’t be too difficult for me because I live relatively close to London (roughly two hours door-to-door). It might, however, be a bit early for people who live further away. Trains and tubes can be a nightmare at the weekend. On the other hand, a Lingq event doesn’t happen every day and I’d be happy to sacrifice my Saturday morning lie-in!

We sort of have to decide. I have posted a Meet Up on Facebook.

Our London meet up is:

12 noon on October 31 at the Main Entrance Foyer of the London Olympia.

I look forward to seeing you there.

I would really like to be there but I’m afraid my plans depend on all my family being well enough to come too.

As this is the start of the Autumn Term my children are catching all the bugs that are going around as diligently as if they were doing a project on germ warfare :frowning: This week we have been laid up with flu and ear infections and my husband, who is no Florence Nightingale, is getting very stressed about it.

I think you have to assume I won’t be there and act surprised if I turn up. I hope it’s a great meet-up, with or without me!

I’m ready for a nice surprise. I’ll be back in the UK the day before and do hope that your children will have achieved an acceptable level of resistance by then. Would be great to see you there.

I am looking forward to a surprise.

Just reminder that I will be at the London Language Show in the main entrance to the Olympia at 12.00 noon on Saturday.

Who is going to be there?

I’ll be back in the country on Friday evening, so will make it to Olympia. I only hope there’ll be more than just me coming along!

I look forward to meeting Sanne and everyone else who shows up. It will be interesting to visit some of these language related booths and discuss, what else, language.