Can we get Maori language on LinQ?

Just thinking that it would be awesome to have Maori language (Te Reo) here on LinQ. There’s a huge community of learners in New Zealand and even some of us in other countries, so I am positive there is enough demand.


I guess it depends on volunteers managing the required amount of mini-stories for LingQ to implement a language. There is this spreadsheet for reference, Maori is already listed there, but again, it depends on the goodwill of volunteers.


Good to know that it’s already on someone’s radar.
By the way, how does volunteering work? I saw on the spreadsheet that there’s work to do for Latin. I could help out.


I did this for Afrikaans, that spreadsheet is completely outdated in my experience. You should try emailing them directly and ask if you can help add it. In general what you need is to write a grammar guide, find online dictionaries from English to Maori, other languages work as well of course. (adding Afrikaans was a pain and the dictionary integration was the most important thing there) Then you need someone to translate the mini stories into Maori and make corresponding audio files of them.


You can reach out to me at north @ if you’d like to help add a new language.

What Dominic said is correct, we need a grammar guide, dictionaries, a news feed, and Mini Stories translated and recorded.