Can someone please explains the streaks?

Why does the streaks close out so early??? Does anyone know or even experience this??? It is 10:20pm it’s not Sunday. It’s Saturday. Saturday is now greyed out and it’s got me on Sunday and saying day 1!!! My streak was fixed before! What is going on?

LingQ you’re about to get a bad review. I am on here every day. Most of the times consistently. And though your app feels like you see a huge difference, This is enough to make someone want to give up. I don’t know if anyone else has felt like that here. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

And to have your streaks taken just like that, is just beyond crazy. I don’t know if this is a glitch in the system. A bug that may ONE DAY be fixed in the future. But this is not good.

Is there a specific time that you’re suppose to complete your streak of the day? WHAT IS IT??? Why do you keep closing the streaks out early???

It’s not nowhere near midnight yet. And now I am at day 1 after 52 day streak. WOW

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Your “day” in LingQ is based on the time zone in your settings. Check your settings - sounds like you might have your time zone set 2 or 3 hours off from the one you are currently in. Eg if you live on the west coast of the US, but have the time zone set for the east coast - this would end your day at 9pm your time.

I’ll note that you can use this to your advantage - I often stay up past midnight, but am nearly guaranteed to be asleep by 3am, I’ve set my LingQ time zone for 3 hours later than where I live, so my “day” is 3am to 3am, instead of midnight to midnight, which better reflects my waking hours.


I’ve tried setting it. I hope New York time is on here. And I hope I can get my streak back. thank you.


Thank you. It worked!:smiley: you made my day! And I didn’t have but a page more, and I was at my goal! Thank you thank you thank you!