Can I combine all forms of a word into a single LingQ (Japanese)

I noticed when creating LingQs that it is creating a LingQ for each specific form or tense of each word. For example, the Te- form and past tense form of a single word need their own LingQs to be considered “familiar” in a text. I like to add all blue words as LingQs, but I can see this spiraling out of control if each new word will be added essentially multiple times.

Is there a way that I can combine all forms of a word into a single LingQ? Thank you!

No, that’s not possible for now I am afraid. With time, you will learn to recognize different forms of a word, but in the meantime, there is no harm in having them all saved as separate LingQs.

Hi, is there any plan for creating this option? I am studying french and when encountering a new verb, it would be much more useful to be able to save the infinitive version rather than the conjugated one, especially for use in the revision flashcards.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Right exactly! Having to save every form of the verb defeats the purpose of even creating LingQs in the first place.

There are cool features for this in Lute (called “parent” words). We’ve all been wondering if LingQ can implement Lute-like word parents, but we also know it’s a super complicated project, made all the harder by the pre-existing personalized definitions of all the users.

However, from my own experience with the system (and also with doing flashcards for three years with no days off), I can say that learning conjugations as separate words does actually work, even if it feels clunky.

Word parents are really, really good if you’re interested in doing a lot of flashcard and vocab review, but honestly I haven’t needed much, I just reread and relisten and it sinks in better and faster than a flashcard anyway. I am learning much faster since I ditched flashcards, and having more fun.

The other stuff feels like too much overhead and time I could be studying. But everyone studies in a different way.

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