Send us an email at support.
Send us an email at support.
Hey everyone, I’m really looking forward to tutoring. I think its a really cool idea. I’m not exactly sure how the whole system works but I think I will get use to it.
Hi administrators! I’d like to tutor here. The problem is, that we don’t have PayPal in my country (republic of Moldova) . Will it be possible to convert points into cash through my Skrill (moneybookers) account ( or Visa Electron card? Thanks.
At this time we are actually only able to pay out through PayPal. Another option is to purchase a 6-month Basic membership for 6000 points. This can now be done from the following page: Login - LingQ
Ok. Thanks for answer.
Hi! I’ve read the hole thread but I don’t see the option of changing money into cash in my account. Where should I look for?
Hi Katy,
Please send an email to support(at) with your PayPal account, username and the amount of points you would like to exchange. After that we will forward your email to our accountant and your points will be converted into cash first monday.
Ok Thank you Zoran. There’s no hurry. I think I’ll do it at the end of august.