Calling all Chinese speaking members..请个位中国人朋友帮忙

Language Translated % Fuzzy % Untranslated % Total Graph
Chinese (China) 4291 31% 77 0% 9241 67% 13609 31

Swedish 5807 42% 92 0% 7710 56% 13609 42

English 9474 69% 35 0% 4100 30% 13609 69

Dutch; Flemish 9737 71% 568 4% 3304 24% 13609 71

Russian 11819 86% 670 4% 1120 8% 13609 86

Chinese (Taiwan) 12738 94% 344 2% 396 2% 13478 94

French 13101 97% 0 0% 377 2% 13478 97

Japanese 13312 97% 11 0% 286 2% 13609 97

Portuguese 13259 97% 93 0% 257 1% 13609 97

Italian 13384 98% 2 0% 223 1% 13609 98

Korean 13571 99% 38 0% 0 0% 13609 99

German 13478 100% 0 0% 0 0% 13478 100

Spanish; Castilian 13478 100% 0 0% 0 0% 13478 100



hey, steve , maybe I can help. And I also have abilities of web design and web programming . If you need help , call me on skype : tuyung001 , or send me an e-mail ( .

ok i can help you

I’d like to help if possible

I’d like to help LingQ. I think I can contribute content or do some transcribing things. Contact me:

wooow…I think you’ve got many helpers.

Maggie, despite many offers of help, our Chinese translation is only 20% complete, the lowest of any of the languages at LingQ. German, Spanish and Russian are complete.

hmm, this is quite strange. I think we would have more Chinese content if the interface was translated to Chinese. What do you think?

I mean there’s a lot of stuff available on the internet in Chinese, we just transcripts for it.

We rely on our members both for content and for the translations. There are modest rewards in terms of points but it is mostly out of a desire to help the community. For whatever reason we have had limited contribution in Chinese.

Hi Steve. I’m Light and i come from HK. It sounds that you need some help. It is my pleasure to help LingQ for translations. Although my English isn’t very well, please feel good to contact me with Email:

Thanks Light. In fact the Chinese translation is a little behind the other languages. The Traditional Characters version is doing a little better than the Simplified. This is an obstacle for new members who are Chinese speakers. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Mark will contact you. Thank you.

I think i can help you too …

Hello everybody! I’m also from Hong Kong and I can both read and type Traditional (繁體) and Simplified (简体) Chinese Characters (although my speaking Putonghua is not good at all). Also, there’s online websites and softwares for transforming TC to SC or SC to TC (繁簡轉換). btw, let me know if you need any help via :smiley:

Hi,Steve, I think I could offer some help on translation. My email address is If there are some tasks on translation, I would like help.

Lauralin, thanks for the kind offer. I will pass it on to Mark. Anything you can do to help us further develop our Chinese resources, or tutoring here, will also be most welcome.


is there anythin i can do?tell me.

If i could be of any help,feel free to call me.My E-mail address is

If you really want to help, just offer conversations in Chinese via Skype and earn points. You can then use these earned points for conversations with an English tutor and improve your English. That’s how it goes…