Call out to Latin learners: let's expand the Latin library


I’m an avid Latin learner on a one-and-a-half month streak.

I would like to encourage anyone using LingQ to learn Latin to consider sharing Latin content on the platform.

There is a great deal on YouTube that can be imported.

A list can be found here: 70 Latin Youtube channels organized and labeled.

I’ve imported many lessons privately and will eventually get around to sharing them publicly.

Or if you’re confident enough, you can create your own!

Happy learning, everyone!


Thanks for the 70 links. I was already subscribed to a few, but you just shared a treasure trove of information with us. Many thanks.


I’m sure you probably know about Legentibus as well as the Patreons of Scorpio Martianus and Latinum. Between them, there are a lot of Latin audiobooks. (You have to subscribe to use them).

The YouTube channel Lectiones Antiques has some audiobooks as well. In addition, there is Librivox and Internet Archive.

The podcast Rem Tene has accompanying transcripts. The episodes would make for good lesson content.

The Latinitium website has an audio archive with short texts.

Fabulae Faciles Library has many out-of-copyright texts with macrons that could be copy-and-pasted and accompanied with audio, if anyone competent is willing to record them. Library: Select a book and dive in. - Fabulae Faciles

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