[bug] translation is not (always) saved

I have some lessons where I can translate in sentence mode till the horses fly, and they will never be saved to the lesson. When I then ask for “show translations” lingq comes with the unhelpful “shall I generate everything for you?” (and fails to acknolledge it will overwrite all your carefully crafted translations). No, don’t. But when I translate can you please save the translation?

There are multiple lessons where this occurs, but the most recent one is a private one that is called “Chapter 3 suomalainen suhteessa” from the course “Finnished Me course 2022”. The problem occurs for a lot of lines, but as an example I tested the first two lines (header and first line) and confirmed that the translation is not saved (through using edit lesson).

If you need a physical link I can send it through support email. The title should help you find it though. The language is Finnish.

Please let me know whether you will repair this. I usually get a “we will have a look” followed by silence, even if I request an update or an ETA. Silence.


Hi @gbonnema !
Thank you for pointing out this bug.
Be sure, it will be fixed soon.

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@Denys_B Can you define soon please? This morning I translated a sentence, checked in “edit lesson” and the translation was not saved. Do you have an expected date of arrival of the fix?

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Don’t know if it relates, but I’m having problems with “Show Translation”. Sometimes it takes so long – ten seconds or more-- that I give up and go to the next sentence.

There was this amusing “translation”:

Here the character is asking

How can I find you?

The translation seems to be from an AI, which instead of translating, answers the question itself:

You can contact me by phone or email. - My contact details are available on my website. - You can also message me on social media.

That is hilarious, I had to check it out for myself. It is indeed replying strangely in some cases.

What happens now is, when in sentence mode. It requests a translation of the next 3 sentences using chatgpt.

The problem is that sometimes the data returns null, like this, which forces multiple clicks.

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So, if I’m following you correctly, LingQ is now getting its translations from ChatGPT and sometimes those requests are getting null responses, which I guess means timing out.

It seems that is what I’m seeing today. “Show Translation” provides less than 50% responses within less than 10 seconds, which I would call effectively broken.