[BUG] LingQ importer fails to import some YouTube videos

I think everything works as intended. If I understand the process correctly, an audio file should not get added to the lesson when you import from YouTube (for legal reasons). When studying the lesson the audio will instead be streamed from YouTube. The lesson itself shouldn’t contain an audio file, this can be verified in the lesson editor.
I assume the playlist feature, at least in the app, requires an actual audio file to be present for offline use. You would have to upload that yourself.


Thx - but are you sure about this ? LingQ playlist audio seems to work fine with hundreds of other Yt clips. Also, why would the Audio be restricted, and the Visuals not ? Plus, in my experience, there’s great utility in being able to play audio from a device, while Not streaming /online. - But ready to be corrected if mistaken.

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yes, there are still issues /thx.

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I could very well be wrong. But if it’s any consolation, YouTube imports without audio in the lesson do not play offline for me either. They do work with enabled wifi. As I said, my understanding is that the video has to be streamed from Youtube since the audio isn’t saved to the device for copyright / terms of service reasons anymore.

Have you checked if there is a difference between the YouTube clips that work offline and the ones that don’t? Do they all have an associated audio file in the editor? I suspect the ones that do work offline simply have audio saved on the LingQ server, either because they were imported before the switch to streaming or were shared publicly in the library.
You could also share a link to a non-working lesson so that a LingQ employee can check if this behavior is expected or reproduce the issue.


thx - have asked this several times, but have received no response. Which is not helpful.

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