It seems to only occur whenever I click the arrow to page on the last page of imported lessons. Can anyone help me? Honestly it’s starting to become annoying since the words I read don’t add to my stats since I can’t finish lessons, thanks~
The stats are calculated as you read, not finish lessons, so they get calculated anyway (worth mentioning that they don’t calculate correctly, the words read number is inflated when reading on the web). And if you meant adding words to known as you finish the lesson, you can change the setting in Reader Settings so that all blue words get added to known on every page flip.
Anyway, this is an interesting, because they usually sabotage the app when they try to fix something else. This started happening yesterday when they were supposed to bring back dictionaries, but they have not done that and on top of it messed up finishing lessons
// edit speaking of stats, they’ve also removed the ability to adjust reading/listening stats (a few days ago) on lesson you’ve just finished. Now that exists only in the iOS/Android app. Nice
Wait really? Huh maybe I misread my stats last I checked ;-;
speaking of stats, they’ve also removed the ability to adjust reading/listening stats (a few days ago) on lesson you’ve just finished. Now that exists only in the iOS/Android app. Nice
Does that mean the multiplier thing that randomly goes up when you read stuff cant be reset to 1.0x? Damn ://
I am experiencing the same bug. Firefox on desktop.
Yep, I’m pretty sure it happened when they changed the lesson-finishing screen. Though interestingly enough, they still DO display the numbers, just removed the ability to change them.
What I do is read on the web but adjust the numbers on an Android/iOS app. It’s annoying but it does the job, and I think it’s worth to have accurate stats since a ~2x inflation of words read (while also being calculated accurately sometimes) is quite of a margin error. You can also just use iOS/Android to read, if you have access to that, and you’ll have accurate numbers from the start, though for me personally it’s too slow compared to reading on a laptop (probably would just use iOS if I had a mac ).
I just found out earlier today that you can also change the numbers from the “Statistics” screen (3 dots next to the open/close sidebar icon → Statistics). So, it’s still possible to do on the web… for now at least
Can you please let me know if you are still experiencing this same issue? Thanks!
<useful characters that will make the post at least 20 characters long>
Yes.same issue
(0 , r.toImmutable) is not a function
Thanks, we are looking into it.
Same here on Firefox. It doesn’t seem to affect me for all languages, though.
Yes, I just tried again today – it still says (0, r.toImmutable) is not a function ://
I’ve been having that issue for maybe 2 days now? It almost seems like it coincides with the release of the new end of lesson page, but that may not be the case. Either way, it seems like stats are still recorded correctly, I just don’t get the fancy end of lesson page and instead get that error message maybe 1/3 of the time when I finish the lesson.