BUG: Broken video on community help webpage


I found a break URL on http://www.lingq.com/help/en/community/.

First video is not working, bad url’s:

Please correct this.
Best Regards
Marcin Przysowa

Noted. Thanks.

Hello ‘steve’,
the http://www.lingq.com/help/en/speak have broken links too.

Error 404: http://media.thelinguist.com/media/2008/videos/Speak/Speak.htm

Error URL on: Lesson Help, we can read:

I am a beginner. Can I use LingQ?
Absolutely! The best thing you can do is to sign up for a beginner course where you will have a tutor to guide you. Otherwise, just follow these steps:
And not any steps aren’t typing. This paragraph is cut in middle :smiley:

Hi Marcin,

Thank you for pointing these errors out. We will look at getting them corrected.

SiB_SiB - How did you find these pages and videos? Those pages are old, no longer used and no longer linked to from anywhere on the site. To see current help click on the Help icon in the top right corner of the site while logged in.

Hello Mark,

Sorry but I cannot find a source page. I check my Browser History but this OLD_Help it’s a my 3th Lingq’s page!.
I check now all my first e-mail’s who I receive from Lings…
If I find it, I put a information here.

PS. Thanks for a very good feedback from administrator group, it’s a big LOL/WOW for your group!

I forgotten… I never used a “Help” button before :).

OK!!, I found a source of this mordor :slight_smile: I cannot attach a .eml files then I type primary information for support:

************************ E-mail 1 ************************
Subject: English LingQs of the Day
From: LingQ Support support@LingQ.com
To: przysowa@o2.pl
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 06:15:10 -0000
Message-ID: 20110320061510.20288.32665@m.lingq.com

Learn more about your LingQs of the Day.
Visit http://www.lingq.com/help/en/vocabulary/
for all Vocabulary FAQ’s.

Click here to stop receiving emails like this:


LingQ Support

************************ End of E-mail 1 ************************

************************ E-mail 2 ************************
Subject: Getting Started at LingQ
From: LingQ Support support@LingQ.com
To: przysowa@o2.pl
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 13:50:04 -0000
Message-ID: 20110320135004.28700.63291@m.lingq.com

Ps. Make sure to visit our Support Forum (Support & Feedback Forum - Language Forum @ LingQ)
Help section (http://www.lingq.com/help/en/) to answer any questions. Or,
just email me your questions at stevek@lingq.com.
************************ End of E-mail 2 ************************

Best Regards :>
Marcin Przysowa

Thank you for the detailed information, Marcin. We will make sure to get this fixed :slight_smile: