BUG: AI meaning of LingQs not working

I am learning English, and today the AI auto-translation is not working anymore. (though it worked well the day before yesterday)

Just as the pics below, the AI meaning of every lingq is literally the word itself, which is useless.

For the above example, I want the AI meaning of the word “expensive” is “cost a lot” rather than “expensive” itself, just like how this function worked before

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I checked your account and looks like you have English selected both as your study language and dictionary language. That is why you have this problem. Go to Settings > Reader and change your dictionary language.

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Thanks for your reply, but I actually have two needs:

  1. I wanna fully immerse myself in English so I wanna check the meaning written in English.
  2. I want the context meaning of the word I seleted, which AI can provides.

The first day when I use LingQ, all of the meaning are in English(including AI meaning), and the AI meaning is also the context meaning rather than the word itself, which is perfect. But one day past and it suddenly changed to the scenario I mentioned, how can I get the result back just like before?

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AI contextual meaning isn’t supposed to give you a definition of the word, but instead a translation that makes sense in the context, as words can have many meanings and

  1. not all of them might fit the context
  2. not all of them might be written in the dictionary you are using

If you are using Google Chrome, you can install the Google Dictionary plug-in (it might also be available for other browsers). This translates into English upon double-clicking on a word in your browser and works fine in LingQ, too. When clicking on an English word it gives you a definition.

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Hi, I have suffered from the same issue that @allenzeng has. The problem shouldn’t be selecting which language is a dictionary language. Thanks.

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@axulp You also have English selected both as your study language and dictionary language. Make sure to select Turkish as your dictionary language if that is your native language.