[bug] Adding a lesson to playlist: order

Why is it that since yesterday, adding a lesson to a playlist at least from the web app, now adds it to the top of the list instead of appending to the list?

This is inconvenient. Is there some way to add it to the end of the list as it has been for as long as I can remember?

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UPDATE: it seems that some my playlists have been reordered. The most recently added now appear at the top of the list. That’s not the way I intended to listen to them.


I have the same problem. It also seems that the “Active list” has randomed lessons and not the ones I added.

Also other lists seem to be no longer complete and some lessons are missing.

Very frustrating.


I’ll check this with our team.


I’ve noticed this too, and I like it. It would be good if we had a choice: most recent at the top, or at the bottom, at our option.


The order of lessons in the playlist has always been controllable by the creator of the playlist. If lessons are added individually to the playlist, the most logical place to put them is at the end. For a playlist that is very long, to have to drag a lesson to the end every time with the current interface is cumbersome.

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When you use the ‘add to playlist’ function the default is to add the lesson at the end. Yes, you can change them up or down manually, but it was the default setting that I was referring to.

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For Active Playlist, it is the desired behavior and change we introduced in the latest update.

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So the playlists we create ourselves are once again unaffected?

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Hi @vernmartin yes, the playlists which are not default (=not Active Playlist) should be unaffected.