Does any one know about some easy nice books in arabic fusha to import/read . im trying to join the book challenge and im not sure where to start or what to choose
Among books provided by, these two
Sahlawayhi 1 - Graded Stories for Beginners
Short Stories in Arabic for Intermediate Learners (MSA)
were my favorite beginner books.
If you are beyond that point, I recommend
Sinbad journeys | رحلات السندباد
This book has excellent audio and excellent stories, but the vocabulary was very challenging for me at first.
Among books provided for free outside, I am going to take a look at
آلام جحا (Juha’s Pains)
I got a pdf from آلام جحا | محمد فريد أبو حديد | مؤسسة هنداوي , and imported it into lingq. Importing the epub format did not work. Juha is the same person as Nasreddin. You can read about Nasreddin at Nasreddin - Wikipedia.
I have allmost finnished the short stories from Olly, but the other ones I have not tried yet. The short stories was a bit challenging and took some time for me. So I think the graded stories would be good to accomplish before I check some of the others you mentioned. Thanks for your tips