Blue words at end of lesson moved to known now fixed

Just wanted to say a huge thank you for fixing the issue where accidently clicking the tick at the end of the lesson moved all blue words to Known.

I did it again by accident today, and this dialog popped up. Brilliant!




So now the vast majority of us who DON’T accidentally click on a button we KNOW will mark blue words as known have to waste our time clicking a button we shouldn’t have to waste our time on.

Thanks developers. Maybe you can find other ways to “help” me waste even more time clicking useless buttons.

I’m hoping there’s a way to remove this “feature” in the settings, but I’m not gonna get my hopes up.

What horror! OMG thanks for the laugh mate.

So you’re fine with hundreds of users having to waste their time so that the clumsiness of a few users is catered to.

I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.

I mean, how difficult can it be to NOT click on a button you already know full well will mark blue words as known?

Wow, lol. Doesn’t seem to me you’re that pressed for time… Anyway, thanks again for the laugh I showed the missus she got a laugh, too. Holy smokes I’m glad I’m not that miserable. Enjoy your new button :slight_smile:

An simple option in the settings could have made (almost) everyone happy.
No warning - and thus unnecessary extra clicks - would have been needed.
Those who like the feature could have continued to use it - those who don’t like the feature could have turned it off.

While the number of additional clicks does not seem to be that large for this feature alone, this confirms a pattern, that the LingQ developers care little about user friendliness in terms of avoiding unnecessary extra clicks - not even if those might add up to (tens of) thousands over time for some users.


Internet access and apps can be slow. It means what you’re pressing can change just before you press it.
I strongly dislike the moving many words to blue words en mass and certainly by default. But an extra pop-up can’t be the best solution.

Requiring 5 clicks to get the next sentence, audio and translation is insane. It really lets down what could be amazing software.