Blogs as a source of content

Blogs are a great source of content on all possible subjects. If you have favourite blogs in your own language or another language why not ask the blogger for permission to use their content in LingQ. Of course you can always import it for your own use, but I mean sharing with others.

You can post the text of a blog post here and ask a native speaker member to record it. Or if the blog is in your own language you can record the blog post in your own language and submit it as content to LingQ.

One other thing, by mentioning LingQ, either in an email to the blogger, or in a comment to the blogger, you also can increase awareness of LingQ.

In any case, even letting our members know of great blogs in different languages here at the forum, wold be great!

As an example I wrote to Clea, one of the most popular blogs in France, which is all about cooking and recipes.

I asked her if we could use her blogs, and even have our French native speakers record them for other learners.

Here is her answer. (She agreed)

Bonjour Steve,

C’est OK bien sûr !
Désolée pour la réponse tardive.

A bientôt

I think most bloggers and podcasters will be happy to have their material used at LingQ. We just need to ask them. I hope one of our French speakers will be interested in recording some of Clea’s posts. This will also increase traffic to her lovely site, so everyone benefits.

I am sure there are interesting sites in Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, German and other languages.

Here’s a Spanish language blog-podcast that has both audio and text: