Best Wishes!

I wanted to let everyone know that October 11 will be my last day as a tutor at LingQ. I have made so many friends during my two years here! You are all great students and I have seen you make so much progress in your use of English, both in speaking and writing. We have shared many wonderful times during our discussions, and many of you have written beautiful stories, interesting articles and endearing letters as writing submissions. Thank you for your participation and friendship. I hope you will stay in contact to let me know how you’re doing at this email address:

As I leave my position at LingQ, I send you best wishes for a bright future! Continue to follow your dreams!

The last week with you - I am so sad
your retire here is really bad!
I want to express my many thanks what you have for me done,
because you learned me that Enlish learning makes fun!
It is good to have the Internet as an open door
in this way we can share emails and more.

All the best for you, Julie and for all what you are doing.
THANKS for all!

I’m really sorry to know that you are leaving Lingq. We had a wonderful time together. In this opportunity, I would like to thank you for everything you have done for us in English learning, and our attitude toward it. You are really a great person. What else I can say, THANK YOU.

I deeply wish you all the best Julie, but I’m sad that you’re leaving as well. I’ll miss you very much here at LingQ.
I would like to thank for all the hard work you put in teaching us English, your joy and dedication, and your attitude toward us. A big THANKS for everything!!

I enjoyed talking with you every Wednesday with my freidns. You always encouraged me and make us fun! You were a great tutor here at LingQ.
I’ll miss you very much.

Thank you for helping me a lot. Take care and good luck!

You are such a good teacher! I’ve learned so much from you.
You provided us with variety of discussions. We know how dedicated you were to make our progress. I enjoyed all the discussions with you.

I’ll miss you so much. I wish you the best of luck!

Thank you for always being there for us. I’ll never forget what you’ve done for us.

Thank you, Julie, for all you have given to LingQ and its members. You have worked with dedication and have given our members not only improvement in their English but also happiness. You have communicated effectively across different languages and cultures. I wish you all the best.

You have been with us a long time and now you feel it is time to move on. We will miss you.

I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for us. I enjoyed every minute of our many conversations; you showed me that studying English really can be fun. Thanks for all the help you’ve given me, always with the same patience and always encouraging me.
Good luck Julie, I wish that every one of your dreams will come true.

You made me crying because of this bad news:-(…No, in fact I just sobbed:-) Nevertheless, I’ll keep in touch with you because you are prominent in my golden list, undoubtedly in the top three.

That is really sad to hear :frowning:
Thank you for all the great “sessions” Julie “the Matchmaker”! [But really, you cant leave now, you have unfinished business to do! :)] Oh well …
Its been a pleasure Julie. I wish you only the best for the future.

These are really bad news for the LingQ English learners. Anyway, I hope this change in your life is a good one for you. My best wishes for you too!

We’ve enjoyed working with you Julie. We’ll obviously miss you at LingQ! :slight_smile: Best of luck in the future.

You gave me a lot of wonderful experiences at LingQ!
You are a great tutor and also great person.
Reading “On Purpose” book was very helpful for me.
I hope you will be success on your next stage.
Good Luck!

You were my first person I talked in LingQ. Everytime we talked with, I felt happy. You always helped me.
I wish your happy life. Take care!

I’m really sad that you are leaving LingQ. But I’ll never forget all the great things you have done to us. I’m going to have one more discussion on your last day, but I thought I’d better leave a message here in case I won’t be able to express my feeling. Thank you very much for everything. I’m going to miss you a lot here at LingQ. I wish you all the best to you and your family.

Thank you all so much for your kind words and good wishes! What a wonderful community of learners. Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing!

Hi Julie, I’m also really sad that you are leaving LingQ. You gave me a warm welcome and it was everytime nice to talk with you. You motivated me all the time and you encouraged me to speak. Thank you very much. I’ll miss you at LingQ!

Julie, thank you very much for all and best of luck in the future.