Best Russian News Source? Looking for objective Russian perspective

Is there a good, Russian Language news source that is objective? I would love to read about current events outside of Viewpoint of American media… just to try to understand the full picture better.

Also, it serves some interesting content for language practice.

“RT (formerly Russia Today) is a Russian international television network funded by the Russian government. It operates cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russia, as well as providing Internet content in various languages, including English, Spanish and Russian.”–Wikipedia

I don’t know that RT is objective.

“On Friday, US warships in the eastern Mediterranean fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at the Syrian airfield, with Pentagon claiming that it was used in a chemical weapons attack against a rebel-held town in Idlib province on Tuesday.
The retaliation came before the UN or the OPCW, the chemical weapons watchdog, could investigate the incident. Washington sided with the rebel-linked activists, which accused Damascus of killing civilians with toxic gas.”–RT

No one is objective. However, RT’s writing is excellent and you won’t have any problems understanding because the text is full of spelling errors like you would if you were to read our national broadcaster, NRK. If RT proves to be too strong tobacco for you then maybe you could try Novaya Gazyeta.

For me “objective” means something between pro-government resources and opposition, so I usually read both pro-government and opposition media.

For example, or (it is pro-government media) and (this is opposition one)

Also, I read a very popular russian blogger, who write about politics, travelling and some actual news. For example, this is post that very impressed me - (I don’t know whether it a media resource like a newspaper or not but I like his style)

hope it helps!

2 Likes is fairly straightforward and easy to read.

Evgeny’s quick guide:
-the official point of viev from “Российская газета” or “Известия”

  • the liberal point of view from “Новая газета” (always opposite to Putin), “Независимая газета” (more neutral, but without support to the government or Putin), “Коммерсант” ( but they write more about the economics, not politics)
  • the leftists - “Литературная газета”, “Комсомольская правда”
    “Аргументы и факты” tries to represent different points of view. And to start it’s better with this week paper because the articles are there a bit shorter.

But it is even harder to get ‘objective’ in Russia than in the US. I enjoy Echo Moskvy, but their understandable dislike of Putin sometimes get in the way of their analysis.

RT did once have an interesting documentary on Russian-Israelis who had fought in the Great Patriotic War. But it’s like sifting through tons of sand for the occational nugget.

1 Like

I basically agree with most of what TamL said except that the “left vs right” divide does not exist in Russia. There is liberalism and conservatism. The divide can’t be compared to the usual liberal vs conservatives that we have in the West.

As you know this news station is is a bit “anti-putin” but this particular show is great because they invite literally anyone to comment on current world or Russian events. I love it because instead of getting the news with a certain station’s bias you get people’s individual opinions which is way, way better.

Sometimes they have people from the government and they don’t try to make them look bad so I wouldn’t say that they’re entirely anti government as other people have said.

I doubt that ‘objective coverage’ is even a thing. Everyone’s got an angle.

However, the other commenters so far have suggested mostly opposition / liberal feeds (with the exception of RT).

If you want to see a fuller range of opinions, try visiting:

These two are as much pro-government as it gets without going overboard.

The two main reliable sources are: (has a TV-channel), and

Also, you can use It’s generally ok, though they prefer not to touch on too dangerous topics.

If you want to understand better what is happening inside Russian you should follow this guy’s blog: