Best German Dictionaries to download

So, I just came to the conclusion that the best way to remember die, der, das usage with nouns and nouns plural is just to remember them the way they are. Maybe after 6 months or so I will start recognizing the patterns.
So, now I am looking for a good German dictionary to download. I have old iphone 7 with me so yeah do recommend me some dictionaries.
Thanks for the help!

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Would it be strange to say, I don’t necessarily recommend any? If you are reading, you should try to do as much reading online as possible…importing content into LingQ if possible and use the online dictionaries from within there. Outside of that, if you are reading on your phone in Kindle app or something, just download the appropriate dictionaries, etc. in that app. If reading articles on browser or pdf, ideally import them into LingQ, but if you’d rather read outside those, download google translate and or deepL and highlight words and phrases there and use the translate features of those.

I do have Pons and an app called Verbs (for German), but I almost never use these. If I do need to “look up” a single word (i.e. I heard someone say it and I can’t directly copy/paste from the phone)., I’ll just use DeepL or Google translate on the app. The preference should always be to use the fastest and easiest ways to translate and lookup things as you read. Otherwise you’re wasting a lot of time.

If you are using physical books, you can always use google translate or google lens and take a picture of the text and get the translation from that. I even have a translation “pen” for physical media. I have one from a company called Newyes. It works pretty decently. You can scan a single word…or several lines. The newer ones may work even better. Although, ultimately if I’m needing to look up a LOT, I’d favor scanning it and importing it into LingQ.


I use Linguee on my iphone it comes very useful when i am reading physical books or magazines, It offers example sentences both in English and German.


The best dictionary to check the articles that i know is “” but i don’t think you can download it. Memorize the patterns first. With time you will recognize the patterns, and be frustrated with the amount of words that don’t follow them. So a memorization by exposition [not memory exercises] to each word gender will be important.

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Having a dictionary at hand is eh… handy I find the likes of Linguee app or DeepL via the browser much more convenient. Also, with Linguee you can just say the word or phrase rather than typing it out.

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Are you referring to remembering the grammatical gender of nouns? If so, yes remember not just the singlular noun form, but the gender and the plural form. I see no need for a separate dictionary, for me the one and only benefit of LingQ is quick access to dictionary definitions.

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