I have been going through the mini stories and treating Chinese like any other language I learn here at LingQ. (I never make flashcards to review vocabulary.)
Should I be creating flashcards for each word I learn?
Or is it okay to just keep reading?
Flashcards can be useful, but they are not a necessity.
Do as you like!
In my case, I only tend to resort to flashcards when I get bored of reading or there are too many words in the story I don’t know.
Personally, just found out that there was a flashcard feature until this post came up. To answer your question, if it’s what you want to do then go for it. Never used it and got to a decent level
The LingQ method does not use flashcards or other “word memorization”. It is reading and listening to content. You learn words by encountering them in content repeatedly.
If you see a word once, don’t bother memorizing it. You might not see it again for years. Languages are like that. Ordinary sentences use a few less-common words.
I don’t use LingQ for Mandarin, because I am too advanced. I use LingQ for Turkish.