Beginner Level Lesson Plan - For teachers

This beginner-level lesson plan will work for almost all languages provided by LingQ

Statistics goals:

  • Daily goal: 13 LingQs
    • Multiply by how many study days students have each week to generate a weekly goal.
  • ~20 new Known Words per week
    • You may choose to adjust this over time.

Time spent:

These are rough numbers and can be modified based on individual needs or preferences.
  • Read two new lessons (Beginner 1 - 2) per week
    • Mini Stories recommended
  • 10 minutes to review Daily LingQs 5 days per week
  • 45 minutes of reading 3-4 days per week
  • 15 minutes of listening 2-3 days per week

End of week review:

Experiment with these as you wish to depending on class size and student receptiveness.
  • Read the lesson out loud in front of the class. Students can take turns, each one reading 2-3 sentences before moving to the next student.
    • Students take turns asking questions at the end (2-3 per student)
    • Another student answers the questions (2-3 per student)
  • Navigate to the Writing Exchange
    • Click +Submit Writing
      • Students write ~200 words. Prompts:
        • What’s your name, age, and home city?
        • What are you studying this year?
        • What is something you’re enthusiastic about?
        • What did you learn this week?
    • Assign each student another student’s writing.
      • Have them make any corrections they find necessary.
      • Have them take turns sharing their corrections in front of the class or groups of 3-4.
    • OR: You can correct their writing later for them to see your corrections next week.
  • Students navigate to their Profile to review statistics
    • How many LingQs did they create? (Compare to weekly goal)
    • How many words did they learn? (Compare to weekly goal)
    • Activities Goals:
      • Lessons Completed = 2
      • LingQs Created = 13x study days (up to 5)
      • Known Words = ~20
      • Listening Hrs = .5 - .75
      • The rest will vary by student. Please pay attention to any obvious outliers and take note of them.
Avoid allowing statistics to become vanity metrics.
If you continually facilitate group review sessions following the reading and writing exercises above, you'll be able to tell what is being learned. Students can game the system with LingQ stats, so these are secondary to the review exercises.
  • During the first few weeks of using LingQ, students may have difficulties navigating the site correctly, accomplishing targeted goals, etc.
    • Use the weekly review in the first couple of weeks to ask questions about what they struggled with.
    • If any student is wildly above/below the targets, consider reviewing their questions with them individually or in front of the class. It's best to correct any errors early before they turn into habits.
      • You may consider having the student take you through their steps to ensure comprehension.
  • Keep pushing: After a few weeks of reviewing statistics in their native language, challenge the students to review their target language. That will be a big mess at first, but the more they are expected to do this, the quicker they'll start to see tangible results in their speaking abilities.
    • Organize students in groups of 2-4. Have them review their stats by speaking in their target language with their group.
    • One student from each group can share the stats of their group with the whole class.
You may choose to generate tests, such as asking students to tell you what they learned in the lesson that week or using flashcard exercises to test students on the vocabulary they learned. However, we find that group exercises are more effective than memorization tests.