Balloons are slowing me down

I think the balloons are a great idea.

But now I am tired of seeing the same balloons over and over and over and over…

I thought that after seeing a balloon once and clicking on ‘got it’ or ‘continue’ I would never see it again.

Is there a way to stop them?

Same problem

I got twice the balloon congratulating me for creating my first LingQ.

Get a script blocking plug-in for your browser and block

I haven’t had my morning cup of coffee… but this seems like it would work. I tried doing a solution in Greasemonkey yesterday but I got bored. LingQ will find a way

I have created almost 27,000 LingQs so i was surprised when it congratulated me for creating my first LingQ. After a brief moment of panic (thinking many of my LingQs had been wiped clean), I realized that this was another glitch that needed to be fixed. Growing pains of the newest version of LingQ.

I can see the benefit to a brand new user though.

Yeah I think they were looking at fixing this.

@LingQ. Your code probably has something like: if popup cookie is not present then display new user popup. A very quick and dirty fix (for now? permanently?) could be to change that to

if popup cookie is not present AND number of user lingqs < 10 then display new user popup

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These should be fixed now. You should only see them once from now on.

Unfortunately, I still have this problem. Those hints keep reappearing and even start to pop out three at once, I am completely unable to finish a lesson because of this, they block like half the page.

@Alauda - You will have to see each one one last time until the system will remember that you have seen them but from now on every one you see will not appear again.

Well, my LingQ doesn’t seem to be fixed. I’ve tried both Chrome and Mozilla and whenever I hit “I know this word” I get the hint about getting to the next level, then the hint about marking all the words known, and then the phrases hint. What’s worse, if I click “ok” and then hit “I know…” again, the hints appear not once, but twice. And then three times if I patiently get to the next known word. And so on, whichever language I choose, whatever lesson I open.

I would be really glad if something could be done about this, apart from this bug the site works fine for me.

@Alauda - Are you studying multiple languages? The popups will appear one time in all languages but once you have seen them once they should no longer appear. Which language are you in where they repeatedly appear? This is no longer happening for me but you do have to see each popup once.

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At LingQ I usually study French, but I also learn Chinese from time to time. In both cases I get those multiple hints. I have just finished one French text and I keep on getting these popups, one more popup every time I do something, so at the end of the lesson it was like 30 popups at once… For some reason it does not work properly at all. Hints are shown every time I open a lesson and then, even if I click “ok”, they are displayed multiple times after every action (so the same two hints for the second lingq created, same three for the third and so on).
Is there any way I could fix it myself?

@Alauda - I have passed on this info to our technical team. It is very strange and we are not hearing this from anyone else. We’ll let you know what we can come up with. Any more information you can provide will be appreciated. Which browser and OS are you using?

Google Chrome version 31.0 (changing to Firefox 26.0 doesn’t help)
Windows 7 Professional SP 1

Thank you :slight_smile:

@Alauda - Hi, I was trying to reproduce your issue but unfortunately wasn’t able to do it :frowning: … It would be great if you’ll give us some more info, also you can try to do some of the steps below:

  1. Try to do a hard reload of your lesson page - (Chrome) you can press Ctrl+R or Ctrl+Shift+R or Ctrl+F5.
  2. If it didn’t help, please press F12 while you are on your lesson page and you see the pop-ups - it will open Developers Tools window → go to “Console” tab → there you will see some messages from the page, some of them may be red (Errors), copy them and paste into this topic, it will really help us to fix your issue.

Thanks in advance, looking forward for your response.

Reloading didn’t help, unfortunately.

Here is a list of errors from the “Console” tab (please note these are just the errors, Chrome also lists 36 warnings). I copied it after creating some lingqs when multiple popups were shown at once. I also created a document with more detailed information, copying errors after a specific action. Some errors occur even just after reloading the page. Here is the link to this document:

Failed to load resource
Uncaught ReferenceError: stLight is not defined (index):2314
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘load’ of undefined (index):3072
Failed to load resource
Failed to load resource
POST 500 (Internal Server Error) jquery.min.js:2
send jquery.min.js:2
v.extend.ajax jquery.min.js:2
v.(anonymous function) jquery.min.js:2
show_tip eecd4b14c4a4.js:116
(anonymous function) eecd4b14c4a4.js:115
POST 500 (Internal Server Error) jquery.min.js:2
send jquery.min.js:2
v.extend.ajax jquery.min.js:2
v.(anonymous function) jquery.min.js:2
show_tip eecd4b14c4a4.js:116
(anonymous function) eecd4b14c4a4.js:115
POST 500 (Internal Server Error) jquery.min.js:2
send jquery.min.js:2
v.extend.ajax jquery.min.js:2
v.(anonymous function) jquery.min.js:2
show_tip eecd4b14c4a4.js:116
(anonymous function) eecd4b14c4a4.js:115
POST 500 (Internal Server Error) jquery.min.js:2
send jquery.min.js:2
v.extend.ajax jquery.min.js:2
v.(anonymous function) jquery.min.js:2
show_tip eecd4b14c4a4.js:116
(anonymous function) eecd4b14c4a4.js:115
POST 500 (Internal Server Error) jquery.min.js:2
send jquery.min.js:2
v.extend.ajax jquery.min.js:2
v.(anonymous function) jquery.min.js:2
show_tip eecd4b14c4a4.js:116
(anonymous function) eecd4b14c4a4.js:115

Thank you for your help.

@Alauda - thanks, it was very helpful! Your issue will be fixed soon.

@Alauda - Those changes have been pushed now. Let us know if you still have these issues.

@andriy, are you the newest developer on the LingQ team?

I’ve checked both French and Chinese and it seems that everything is fine. No popups at all. Thank you very much!