Available 24/7 for one on one conversationin English

I am a fairly new English tutor here on LingQ. Normally I work as an English language teacher at a university in Mexico. I as born and rasied in the USA. I would like to work online, helping people with English. I prefer one on one conversations of 30 minutes or 15 minutes. What do you prefer?

You will receive a complete report shortly after our session. If you like I can also give you oral feedback towards the end of our conversation. That’s up to you. I am also available for proof-reading written texts. You will receive your corrected text back from me within 24 hours, usually, much faster. I have done this free of charge in the past but can no longer afford to do that.

On the day of our conversation appointment, feel free to call me 5 minutes early so that we get started on time. I encourage you to come to our session with a specific topic (or topics) that you would like to talk about. Also, if there is some weakness or confusion that you are aware of that you have please share those concerns with me so that I can give you more support and clarification in those areas.

If you want to schedule something for right NOW, try! If I am at home and awake, we can do it!! Generally it is best to give me at least 6 hours notice but I can be flexible. I will respond to your request as soon as I see it! I check LingQ at least four times during every twenty-four hour day. :slight_smile:

Okay, that’s it. Get in touch with me if this sounds interesting to you. Thanks.

Add me on skype:chemadrid7

Add me on skype:chemadrid7

Jesus bless u

Hi, che7!

I’d love to help you improve your level of English. I’m at your service! :slight_smile:

I hope you are well. I would be glad to add you as a Skype contact but first we need to set up a conversation appointment through LingQ.

If you are not sure how to do that contact LingQ support. They are really nice and helpful.

When you request the appointment, then I see the request and I accept it. LingQ will automatically send you my Skype ID and I will automatically receive your Skype ID. Where are you by the way? I am in Guadalajara Mexico. :slight_smile:

Take care. Bye for now.

thank you for responding.by the way,do i have to pay for your service,i’m new to this,i hope you understand.JESUS bless!:slight_smile:

I have a free membership here at LingQ and I guess you do, too. I was/am interested in improving my French but I have been devoting too much of my (life)time to lesser pursuits. Anyway, there are many resources here for listening and reading comprehension practice. Even LingQ member collaborate together for conversations and writing to each other…

In addition to being an absent student I have volunteered as an English language tutor/teacher here at LingQ. LingQ awards me points for these two services: correcting written texts submitted to me by another LingQ member, through LingQ, and having conversations via Skype and completing a conversation report afterwards. So, for these services I receive LingQ points and once I have 10,000 accumulated points, LingQ sends me $75 USD via paypal.

I, independent of LingQ, am an English teacher and I charge money for my services. However I am not using LingQ as a platform to promote that. Here on LingQ you do not pay me money for my services, but LingQ “pays” me points that I can cash, in increments of 10,000 or more. Also I can use those accumulated points in another way. I can use them to have my writing corrected by a LingQ tutor or to have conversations with a LingQ tutor. In my case I might want to do that in French, a language I am ostensibly learning.

Sorry about all of this detail. But my intention was to answer your question as thoroughly as I could without advertising my own business. What I mean is that if you would like to have a conversation with me, via Skype it would be strictly through LingQ. It would be inappropriate for me to discuss the services that I offer outside of LingQ because that might be misconstrued as my fishing for private clients here. That is not the case.

I have never been inclined to use a French tutor here, for example, so honestly I do not know how to do it. Someone, twice selected me as the tutor that he wanted to speak with. I received an email notification from LingQ. I accepted the request. We received, from LingQ, each other’s Skype IDs. We had our conversations as scheduled and I completed a written report and uploaded it to LingQ. Each time (there were two times) I submitted a report I received 500 points from LingQ. The conversations were for only 15 minutes.

If you are interested in speaking with me via Skype please contact LingQ support and I am sure they can assist you in arranging that.

There are other sites on internet where you can acquire as many language exchange partners as you want and you arrange with them when and how often and for how long you speak. There are no points. You are helping each other. You help them speak your native language and they help you speak their native language.

I hope that I have understood your question, your concern. I have tried to answer your question, your concern. If you still have a question that I might be able to answer, please post here again.