
@LeWhwtene - The audio issue had nothing to do with sorting and nothing has been touched there. It still sorts fine for me. Try refreshing your browser if you are having problems with the sort.

@mark - I’m glad it works fine for you, but that does not help me. I did as you said and it still will not sort.

Anyone else having problems with sorting when in the “Library” section? If not, then consider the matter closed for me.

No sorting/ticking here too, but audio works fine. - YouTube

IE9 and flash are the latest. Cash is cleared.

@Lewhtene, a5m - Sorry about that. We have fixed the sort issue now. Audio and sorting in IE9 should be working properly now.

@Mark-like said Hanne-Honey before i have problems not wih Internet explorer(now version 8)…it sais me is a old version but no matter to me,the audio is well…the problem persist with google chrome,in which i not heard nothing(but the registration start…)

Just to muddy the waters, at least if you use Firefox, the problem may be with your set. I found Mozilla’s explanation of audio woes a bit bewildering, but LingQ’s other members can probably decipher it. And although Mozilla (obviously) concerns itself only with Firefox, some of the solutions may pertain in a general way to other browsers. I’m not going to go into it myself. Here is Mozilla’s explanation:


No problem… the sort is working, but, when I sort, I loose the audio. Let me explain “exactly” what I am doing…

  1. From the main (top) menu, I choose Learn, Library.
  2. If I “do not” sort, audio works for “all” lessons that appear…
  3. If I “do” sort, audio stops working for “all” lessons that appear.
  4. At this point, if I “refresh” the page or “untick” anything (i.e. Beginner 1), the audio will work for “all” lessons that appear.
  5. If I try to perform another sort (or “tick” any box) the audio stops working for “all” lessons that appear.
  6. If I perform the steps in 4) (above), the audio returns.

This is with IE9 only.

Hope this helps!

@LeWhetene - There were two bugs in IE, one related to the audio issue and another related to the sort issue. We implemented two work arounds which should have resolved the problems. They certainly did for us. I just checked again and all audio plays, sorting works and at no time is audio lost. Unless we are hearing from others who are also still having these issues we have to move on. At this point, if you are still having problems with IE, I recommend switching to a better browser like Chrome or Firefox. You will have a better experience on all sites not just ours.

@ildoge - We are not hearing from others saying they can’t hear audio in Chrome so we don’t have much we can do for you right now. We have no problems with Chrome in any os. Perhaps you can try in Firefox. I wouldn’t use IE8, the experience is not very good on this browser.


No problem… I can adjust if needed. But, I have been using IE for everything since it was released (yes, I’m that old ) with great success. Perhaps a message should be posted “somewhere” that Chrome or Firefox are the recommened browsers for LingQ… might save you, and future customers, a few head aches. Just a thought!


The problem is that some bugs are difficult to reproduce. IE is infamous from the old times for its bugs and non-adherence to standards. Most developers hate it. :slight_smile: If there are not enough bug reports, there is a great chance that the problem is on user-side, double for IE (especially, where ActiveX or flash are involved).

Anyway, I have reproduced the bug (not exactly as per your instruction, because I did both sorting and ticking). I will record the video when I get back from work.

Updated (switch on sound): - YouTube


Thanks for recording that. If nothing else, I’m happy to know it can be reproduced and it is not “just” me. I was an IT guy years ago and have had experience in a few related areas (programming, network admin, training, systems setup etc.) , so I am very sympathetic to those folks that have to troubleshoot bugs and attempt to fix them. It’s not an easy task… very frustrating, and time consuming.

Thanks a5m, if I play around with the settings enough I can get it to glitch up too in IE. It’s just that much slower and worse at rendering javascript so eventually glitches up. We may look at this when we have time but really all we can do is to try to make our javascript load more efficiently and we are not likely to do this now since it loads well on all other browsers and most of the time on IE. @LeWhetene - You really should switch to a better browser…! :slight_smile: IE is notorious for being buggy, glitchy and slow.


You’re absolutely right! But I’m an old (and stubborn) dog! LOL!

I have purchased a new computer using Windows 7. I had no trouble with my Mac. Now I am not getting the sound button on lessons when I open them. The window says I need additional plugins. I click on the button that says ‘install missing plugins’ but nothing happens. I can, however, download the mp3 file from the content window. Refreshing the window does not help.

Additionally, my words that are highlighted in yellow change to orange when I change their status to 2, and to pink when I change the status to 3. The pink, in particular, is very difficult to differentiate from the white background. I had not trouble seeing the pale yellow that appeared previously. Is this a change in LingQ or something to do with my computer?

I am using Firefox. I would appreciate anyone’s help on these issues.

And now the audio is appearing! All I did was open another lesson! Very strange.

The pink colour, however, persists.

@rae68 - Glad you sorted out the audio. You need to have flash player installed. The pink colour is a strange one…haven’t heard that from anyone else. I recommend refreshing and ctrl + refreshing a few times to clear your cache.

Pink? I have three grades of yellow and the white for status #4. Did you update Flash?

You can try Chrome ( It comes with flash integrated, so you can use LingQ out of the box without unnecessary hassle with plugins or settings

Thanks Mark.

I already had the latest version of Flash installed when I was not getting the audio. Perhaps there was some strange situation causing the audio problem. It seems to have righted itself. All my lessons are coming up with the pink. Refreshing has no effect. ctrl + refreshing does not fix the colour. I suspect that if I restart the computer this will also return to normal. Anyway, it isn’t a huge problem.

@rae68 - Please try to restart and let us know if that helps!