Audio Uploads - LingQs Not Marked New or Old and Known Words Not Counted

I’ve been having an issue for a few days now where I upload an audio, and it is transcribed but yellow LingQs and blue LingQs are not being marked. Zero LingQs, Zero New Words, Zero Known Words.

I upload the same audio again and then it works. I delete the first upload and go on with my day.

Is this a known issue and is it being looked at? 35265303 is an example.

This morning, the second upload didn’t work either. That function is LingQ. Sigh.


We are familiar with the issue and it has been reported to our team. They are looking into it.

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I had the same issue when importing podcasts as lessons. This is how I get around it:

  1. Select “Edit Lesson”.
  2. Click on"Regenerate Lesson".
  3. Click on any word in the newly generated text.
  4. Click on “View Lesson”.

The words should be marked.
I hope it works for you :slight_smile:

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Thank you Xuzhe. Your work around fix worked perfectly.