Audio playback button not working in Safari

Beginning yesterday, the audio playback button (the one that plays the entire audio of the lesson) is grayed out in Safari (ver. 16.3) on running MacOS 12.6.3. It still works on Firefox on the same computer.

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Sorry to hear that. Do you still have the same issue now? Are you unable to play audio in any lesson you open?

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Yes, the problem persists and appears to apply to any lesson I open.

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Thanks, we are investigating the issue.

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I have had the same issue for 3 or 4 days now. The audio is gray and won’t play on the iphone, but it works on the laptop. Thank you for any help.


Mine has worked until today on Safari. Nothing is greyed out but nothing happens when pressing play. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Working now!


Still not working in Safari for me.

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It’s still not working for me either, but that’s good it works for you now!


Thanks for your patience everyone, we are trying to figure out why some of you still have the same issue.


Just adding to this that mine worked fine for ages until today. All lessons won’t play audio in safari browser. Fingers crossed for a fix soon.

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Does anyone still have the same problem? My audio still won’t play for some reason.

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Working now for me now.

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Recalcitrant, is it still not working? we will look into it.

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Yes, it is still not working. Thank you very much for looking into it.


Well, it worked for two days. Now it’s not working again.

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For me, it worked for two days. Now it’s not working again.

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I Have the same issue with audio and safari on my desktop Mac. It works on the iPhone. Can you help me?

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It is working again after a restart. So hopefully the problem will not reappear. Thank you. Thank you also for the free Ukrainian lessons.