As steve says, we need to enjoy the process

I have been learning German here for two years. I really enjoyed coming almost every day to read and watch something.
It was easy, intuitive, and pleasant, but it has become confusing and upsetting since the last update, I lost my motivation to use this program.
If they do not give us the option to return to the last version which I paid for, I will unsubscribe.

Hi, if you need help finding your way through the new version you can always ask us, also you can look at the topics in support center and the blog post introducing the new version here: Introducing LingQ 5.0 - LingQ Blog

I disagree, just give it time, in few days you’ll get used to it. Change your font so that it would be better with your screen and learn around all new features.

There are few bugs but they’ll get fixed and you can always find a workaround for now. Imho.