Are there plans for albanian coming to lingQ?

I am focused on arabic for the next 4 years or so, but I plan on learning albanian afterwards. I‘ve seen some posts ans the answers were, that there were volunteers needed for this. Now I wanted to ask, if its in the progress or if there is the same problem, that there are no volunteers. I Also wanted to ask if there are any other langauges planned to be on lingQ.

Thanks in advance.


It’s unlikely that Albanian will be added in the near future, but hopefully one day.

We do, of course, have in plans to add more languages. We recently added a few and we will add some more before the end of the year, but at the moment I can’t say what languages will be added.

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any updates on viet?


Vietnamese is still a work in progress. Hopefully soon!

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Hi Zoran,

Thanks for the update. Really appreciated.
Can you also share if you are planning on adding Cebuano?


@eric I don’t thing Cebuano will be added anytime soon, sorry.

How about Hindi or Thai?

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I would also like to know if Thai will be coming any-time soon . :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Both are work in progress, hopefully soon enough.

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@zoran Is the issue having Albanian speakers to help with translation or verification?

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Not sure where do we stand on Albanian at the moment, I’ll check with the team, but I don’t think it’s close to be launched.

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