Are there Keyboard Shortcuts on LingQ?

Quick actions to improve your experience!

When using the website Reader, use any of the following shortcuts to make the most out of your language learning journey with LingQ.

  • left/right arrow - goes to next shaded word
  • up/down arrow - moves to next/previous option on the blue pane
  • enter - create a LingQ with the selected meaning or open the selected dictionary
  • shift + left/right arrow - next/previous page
  • + (plus) and - (minus) - increase or decrease font size
  • s - plays TTS audio
  • a - plays sentence audio
  • t - add a tag
  • shift + t - show sentence translation
  • d - check dictionary
  • h - create LingQ and focus cursor in the meaning field
  • e - choose selected meaning and open dictionary
  • b - go to the next blue word
  • shift + f - flag selected meaning


  • 1 - Status 1
  • 2 - Status 2
  • 3 - Status 3
  • 4 - Status 4
  • k - known (green check)
  • x - Ignore, remove

Audio Player

  • spacebar - Play/Pause audio
  • ctrl + x - Rewind audio x seconds