App feature request

I love the iPad app, which has become much more feature rich in the time that I have been using it. Thank you.
My one frustration is that I don’t want the app to automatically increase my knowledge rating of the word I’m studying when I review my LingQs. I want to be in control of that and not have the software make changes that I’m not involved in. Would it be possible to turn this off?
Many thanks

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Glad you like the app! I’m afraid you can’t turn off the auto-status increase feature. This only happens if you answer a word correctly twice in a row. It’s not too big a deal since you can always adjust the status the other way if you come across words you don’t know as well as are indicated. Fundamentally, even if words are moved to known you can always just click on them to adjust them downwards.

We are looking to enhance the automatic status updating at some point, at which time, if we are doing more automatically, we will likely add a way to turn all automation off.

Thanks. It would be a big help if this could be turned off. I just don’t find it useful - I don’t find being able to answer correctly immediately after I have seen the word reflects whether it is in my long term memory. Having to correct the ratings afterwards is annoying.

And yes if there’s going to be more of this kind of thing, please allow us to turn it off!

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I should also say that, unless you like doing the review, we don’t really recommend reviewing it repeatedly. You will do a lot of review naturally, over time, in the lessons themselves just by seeing and clicking on yellow LingQs and this type of review, in varying contexts is, in fact, more effective. The review tools are useful particularly when starting out, to get a handhold in the language, or in languages with different scripts, or for specific vocabulary you have tagged and want to focus on and learn. But, for the most part, the most efficient way to add the thousands and tens of thousands of words you need is to do so in context as you encounter the same vocabulary in new and varying contexts.

Hi Mark
I don’t spend long doing it, but I I do find the review helpful. The problem is the computer deciding how well I know a word, when only I can say that.


I am glad the android version doesn’t have this feature yet. Reversing automation effects at Lingq has cost me too much lifetime already.

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