I see that no open forum for Arabic language ! that’s so sad , we’re -as Arabic native speakers- responsible upon that. but unfortunately i don’t have much time to help in this point. But i can help anyone who’s in the context of learning this language or want to learn it, I’ll be glad to do that , and share with him my little skills in English and French language.
Greetings to you !
Skype (savoirsearch)
I would love to learn Arabic but know virtually nothing of it due to time restraints. Someday soon I’ll devote more time to it. Also, the material is scarce (though very good) on LingQ. It would be great if it continued to expand at a faster rate. As far as I see, Muhannad and MahaHendy are the only regular contributors, which isn’t fair on them. I guess more Arabic-speakers should be actively sought out. (Also Hindi speakers, the last “world language” missing from LingQ.)
I’ll try to enrich these materials ! Thanks @russophile
I also would like to speak Arabic, i am familiar with the Alphabets and know very little works but can not understand whole sentence let alone to speak. thus would be grateful for help of 10-15 minute conversation daily.
Kafe Aha-la-key! I’m interested.