Anybody going to the Polyglot Gathering in Berlin in June?

Yesterday I registered for the polyglot gathering in Berlin in June this year. I was wondering if anybody else on this forum is planning to go there. I was at the polyglot conference in Budapest last year and absolutely loved it. I’m sure this year’s event is going to be even more exciting (it lasts 4 whole days and the programme sounds really promising).

Here is the link to the website of the organizers:


Welcome back, from me also : )

I’m not totally sure where I’ll be in June, but I’m counting myself as a “maybe” for the conference. Plus, I only speak one and a half languages, so I’m not sure I’ll fit in : ) But it’s certainly something I’m interested in attending.

If accepted, I’ll be in Poland and then in Berlin for an intensive medical bioethics course in June, which unfortunately doesn’t allow me the time to swing by (even though I’d love to). I fear that the N. American conference will be subpar to the European one (given that it is in 2 cities, in the same year as the Berlin conference, and the European community seems well establish, but not so here). That being said, I still plan to attend NYC and I’ll try to visit Montreal. But I already have plans to visit Quebec in the summer (quand il ne fait pas si froid!).

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ad maths: (…) Welcome back, from me also : )

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

It would be great to meet you in person and I’m sure you’d fit in. Anybody interested in languages is more than welcome. There is no other requirement I know of.

ad djc463 (…) then in Berlin for an intensive medical bioethics course in June, which unfortunately doesn’t allow me the time to swing by (even though I’d love to). (…)

If you are already in Berlin in June and if it is around the time the conference is held, you could maybe just swing by for a day or so (on the weekend). I’m sure you’d love it.

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Welcome back, Robert. Nice to have you here again. I would love to go because I really love Berlin. But I’m not sure if I can afford it this year. I have to think about it.

(…) Welcome back, Robert. Nice to have you here again. I would love to go because I really love Berlin. But I’m not sure if I can afford it this year. I have to think about it. (…)

Thank you :slight_smile:

I hope you’ll be able to make it. I had to think about it too because it is in the middle of our “interpreting season”, but I loved the event in Budapest so much that I convinced myself that I should definitely go there. I will probably not be able to go to the conference(s) in North America, however.

There are too problems for me:

  1. I need a new car which costs a lot of money.
  2. I would love to go with my daughter but she has to go to school in June.

I am still thinking about this. A friend asked if I’d like to go with him, but I still don’t know if I want to…

ad Veral:

I totally understand your reasons for (probably) not going to the conference. As for the school problem, you could just stay for one or two days on the weekend. Your daughter would then not have to stay home from school.

ad mikebond: (…) but I still don’t know if I want to …(…)

Is there any special reason which makes you doubt that the conference would be something you could enjoy? Maybe I can help you dispel these doubts.

@thirdtime: I just wonder if it would really be useful and profitable for me, and if it would be worth the money.

ad mikebond: (…)

I will also try to do some sightseeing, I have never been to Berlin before, so this is a great opportunity for me to kill two birds with one stone. The conference fee per se (10 EUR per day) is not that high in my opinion. Of course, you have to add travel expenses, accommodation costs etc. It does add up, that’s true.

It will only be “useful and profitable” for you if you don’t expect to have any immediate business-related outcome from it (even though I would not completely rule out that you might be able to connect with people that could help you in your career as a translator). You are obviously a well-seasoned and experienced language learner, so there probably won’t be too much new insight for you to gain from the various presentations either.

I still believe that it is worthwhile going there because despite all of the above, which also applied to the conference in Budapest, I came back with a lot of memorable experiences. Best of all, I got a major boost of motivation for my language studies and I met some really nice people in person. As much fun as reading blogs, writing comments in forums and talking on skype is, there is nothing like meeting people face to face and chatting to them in various languages.


I have never been to Berlin, either, and I would also seize the chance to visit it. Ok, you gave me some motivation to further consider attending this meeting.

@thirdtimeisthecharm: Good to see you, 3XsCharm. Lots of folks missed you. Welcome back!

Welcome back Robert from me too!

I was at the Budapest event and had a great time, but I have other plans at the time of the Berlin event and unfortunately can’t attend. Based on that event, I’d highly recommend the Berlin gathering to other Lingqers. It’s likely to be very inspirational and motivational.

I registered for the Polyglot Gathering yesterday, so Berlin I will come! I want to offer an informal Dutch conversation group at the conference. It’s like what I do on Skype: Getting people to talk Dutch!

I am very curious of making new contacts at the conference or intensifying my already existing internet contacts.


ad don/ad keke: thanks for your kind words :slight_smile:

Too bad you can’t make it to Berlin keke. Hopefully we’ll get to meet again on another occasion.

ad fasulye: Great, I look forward to meeting you personally. I have watched many of your youtube videos.

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Robert, thanks for your kind words!

I have watched several of your videos in English, French, Spanish and Italian. At the conference I will focus on multilingual communication rather than accumulating a bunch of lectures. Therefore I have also booked the meals at the venue because there is more chance to communicate with people in different languages.


Hi all. Unfortunately I will not be in Europe at that time but wish you all a great conference.

ad Fasulye: (…) At the conference I will focus on multilingual communication rather than accumulating a bunch of lectures. (…)

I’ll be trying to do the same. There are some lectures I’d like to hear, but I’ll focus on meeting people and talking to them. I’ll mingle as much as I can and I want to speak in as many languages as possible :slight_smile:

I think I’d need more LingQ students to earn enough money to pay for the travel and accomodation costs… :slight_smile: