Any Spanish youtube channels with subtitles?

No problemo, senor.

For more detailed learning suggestions, I started with Jackie Guerrido some years ago, then Mayte Carranco. Both were, and probably are still, the standards for the US and Mexico weather. Jackie still is. Then I added Yanet Garcia from Monterray (off camera personality not my favorite, fyi) and Alejandra Delgadillio.

There are a LOT of options, as you’ll see, but another favorite is Tania Estrada. Lately I’ve been watching Graciela Novaski and might be a regular.

As far as non-weather goes, I suggest Ximena Cordoba. She is a Colombian personality on a number of talk shows, comedy, etc. and puts out videos like her exercise routine that she narrates so its cnotent rich and easier to understand.,

That’s brilliant thank you!

Thank you for the reply. That looks like a really good channel which I will use. Thank you!

They look brilliant. I think I’ll watch them anyway to practise my listening comprehension even if I don’t import them into LingQ

THank you for taking the time to put together this list. I’ve been checking them out one by one and really enjoying them!

Gracias Chris. He visto unos de sus videos y me encantan. Adémas por tener subtitulos son muy fáciles de importar. Gracias!

Thanks! I’ve been really enjoying these!

Easy, slow, with subtitles:

I recommend that EVERYONE studying Spanish here checks out this amazing channel:

The host is funny, speaks very clearly, most of the videos have subtitles in Spanish and she talks about all aspects of the Spanish language. The videos are also really well produced.

Reddit channels like… Voz de Reddit, El Redditorio and NarraReddit.

I just find telenovelas such as Gloria and it has sub titles.