[Answered] What does "* You must meet your targets on LingQ for 90 days." on the LingQ subscription page exactly mean?

What does “* You must meet your targets on LingQ for 90 days.” on the LingQ subscription page exactly mean?

I can’t tell what exactly it refers to in this context.

Does something happen to you if you don’t? Like you can’t change your plan or something?

Source: What does LingQ cost? See our pricing information here

I believe if you don’t meet your targets then they remove the cancel button so you are stuck with your subscription.


Nothing will happen to your account in that case. Basically, that just means that we guarantee that you will notice significant progress in your study language if you meet your targets for 90 days.

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Thank you for clarifying!!! I appreciate you taking the time @zoran!

Judging by this, it seems there was at one time a money-back guarantee, on the condition of actually meeting targets for 90 days?

@zoran if that guarantee still exists, I’d highly recommend making it clear - if it doesn’t, I’d highly recommend deleting that line. Currently, it’s lacking any context and, if anything, seems intimidating in connection with subscription fees.

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Yes, we do have money-back guarantee. If users meet their 90-day goal and aren’t satisfied with the progress, we refund the money.

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