An error to generate audio from text

I put in lingQ a text but was not able to create an audio. How can I do it?


Heres how you can do it.


Go to the editor page for that lesson.

Make sure there is no video or Audio for this lesson

now when you go back to the reader

edit: I see you have tried and failed to generate the lesson Audio.

What you can do is this

go to Reader settings

Change voice and try again

@paulospiguel yes, it happens to me as well sometimes and there is no audio in the lesson to delete. For some reason sometimes it happens and even if you try multiple times you have always the “failed” result.

What I do as a “workaround expert” is that I open the iPhone and I generate the audio from there. Then I listen to the audio on the iPhone and I correct on the web page.
After a while I find the lesson on the web with the audio that I have created with the iPhone and I don’t think about it anymore. :upside_down_face: